#!/usr/bin/env bash # shellcheck disable=SC2162,SC2317 # GitHub Script: https://github.com/slyfox1186/wsl2-kernel-build-script/blob/main/build-kernel.sh # Purpose: Build Official WSL2 Kernels # Updated: 05.13.24 # Script version: 3.1 # Color variables RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' YELLOW='\033[0;33m' NC='\033[0m' show_help() { echo "Usage: $(basename "$0") [options]" echo "Options:" echo " -h, --help Show this help message." echo " -v, --version VERSION Set a custom version number of the WSL2 kernel to install." echo " -o, --output-directory Specify where the vmlinux file should be placed after build." } log() { echo -e "${GREEN}[INFO]${NC} $*" } warn() { echo -e "${YELLOW}[WARNING]${NC} $*" } fail() { echo -e "${RED}[ERROR]${NC} $*" >&2 exit 1 } output_directory="" kernel_version="" version_type="" version_specified="false" # Parse command line options while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in -h|--help) show_help exit 0 ;; -v|--version) version_specified="true" kernel_version="$2" shift 2 ;; -o|--output-directory) output_directory="$2" shift 2 ;; *) fail "Invalid option: $1" ;; esac done # Check if the script is run with root privileges if [[ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]]; then fail "You must run this script with root or sudo." fi list_available_versions() { local version echo log "Available kernel versions:" echo version=$(curl -fsS "https://github.com/microsoft/WSL2-Linux-Kernel/tags/" | grep -oP 'linux-msft-wsl-\K\d+([\d.])+(?=\.tar\.[a-z]+)' | sort -ruV) if [[ -n "$version" ]]; then echo "$version" else echo "No version found." fi } # Prompting the user for input if no version specified if ! $version_specified; then while true; do echo echo "Choose the WSL2 kernel version to download and install:" echo echo "1. Linux series 6 kernel" echo "2. Linux series 5 kernel" echo "3. Specific version" echo "4. List available versions" echo "5. Exit" echo read -rp "Enter your choice (1-5): " choice case "$choice" in 1) version_type="6" break ;; 2) version_type="5" break ;; 3) read -rp "Enter the version numbers (e.g., " choice kernel_version="$choice" version_specified=true break ;; 4) list_available_versions ;; 5) echo "Exiting the script." exit 0 ;; *) fail "Invalid choice. Please try again." ;; esac done fi # Ensure the directory for 'vmlinux' is prepared. if [[ -z "$output_directory" ]]; then script_dir="$PWD" # Use current directory if no output directory is specified else script_dir="$output_directory" mkdir -p "$script_dir" # Create output directory if it does not exist fi # Set compiler optimizations export CC="ccache gcc" export CXX="ccache g++" export CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -march=native" # Aggressive optimization flags export CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS" # Aggressive optimization flags announce_options() { # Announce options after all inputs have been processed echo echo "Final script configuration:" echo "===================================" log "Specific version specified: $version_specified" if $version_specified; then log "Specific version: $kernel_version" else log "Version: Using the latest available version" fi log "Output directory: ${output_directory:-"Default directory ($PWD)"}" } prompt_wsl_script() { log "Do you want to run the automatic file generator for .wslconfig?" read -rp "Please enter your choice (y/n): " choice echo case "$choice" in [yY]*) bash <(curl -fsSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/slyfox1186/wsl2-kernel-build-script/main/wslconfig-generator.sh") ;; [nN]*) exit 0 ;; *) warn "Bad user input..." unset choice prompt_wsl_script ;; esac } install_required_packages() { local -a pkgs local missing_packages missing_packages="" pkgs=( bc bison build-essential ccache cmake curl debootstrap dwarves flex g++ g++-s390x-linux-gnu gcc gcc-s390x-linux-gnu gdb-multiarch git libcap-dev libelf-dev libncurses-dev libncurses5 libncursesw5 libncursesw5-dev libssl-dev make pkg-config python3 qemu-system-misc qemu-utils rsync wget ) for pkg in "${pkgs[@]}"; do if ! dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' "$pkg" 2>/dev/null | grep -qo "ok installed"; then missing_packages+=("$pkg") fi done if [[ -n "$missing_packages" ]]; then log "Installing missing packages: $missing_packages" sudo apt-get install -y $missing_packages else log "All APT packages are already installed." fi } download_file() { local output_file url url="$1" output_file="$2" if [[ -s "$output_file" ]]; then log "File $output_file already exists and is not empty. Skipping download." return 0 fi if ! command -v wget &>/dev/null; then echo "wget is not installed. Please install wget." exit 1 fi log "Downloading with wget..." wget --show-progress -cqO "$output_file" "$url" } source_the_latest_release_version() { local version_type version_type="$1" curl -fsS "https://github.com/microsoft/WSL2-Linux-Kernel/tags/" | grep -oP "linux-msft-wsl-\K${version_type}\.([\d.])+(?=\.tar\.[a-z]+)" | head -n1 } build_kernel_without_progress() { echo echo "Installing the WSL2 Kernel" echo "=========================================" echo if ! echo "yes" | make "-j$(nproc --all)" KCONFIG_CONFIG="Microsoft/config-wsl" 2>>"$error_log"; then log "Build process terminated with errors. Please check the error log below:" cat "$error_log" return 1 fi if ! make modules_install headers_install; then fail "Failed to make modules and install headers" fi return 0 } install_kernel() { clear announce_options install_required_packages if [[ -n "$kernel_version" ]]; then version="$kernel_version" else version=$(source_the_latest_release_version "$version_type") fi log "Downloading kernel version $version..." if [[ -z "$version" ]]; then fail "Failed to find the latest version. Exiting." fi download_file "https://github.com/microsoft/WSL2-Linux-Kernel/archive/refs/tags/linux-msft-wsl-$version.tar.gz" "$parent/$version.tar.gz" log "Successfully downloaded the source code file \"$version\"" # Remove any leftover files from previous runs [[ -d "$working" ]] && rm -fr "$working" # Get the working directory ready mkdir -p "$working" if ! tar -zxf "$parent/$version.tar.gz" -C "$working" --strip-components 1; then warn "Failed to extract the archive. Deleting the corrupt archive." rm -f "$parent/$version.tar.gz" log "The archive file has been deleted due to extraction failure. Please re-run the script." exit 1 fi cd "$working" || exit 1 log "Building the kernel..." if ! build_kernel_without_progress; then rm -fr "$working" log "Error log:" cat "$error_log" fail "Kernel build failed. Please check the error log above for more information." else locate_vmlinux=$(find "$PWD" -type f -name vmlinux | head -n1) if [[ -f "$locate_vmlinux" ]]; then cp -f "$locate_vmlinux" "$script_dir/vmlinux" log "Kernel build successful. vmlinux moved to the specified output directory: $script_dir" local choice read -rp "Do you want to delete the build directory? (y/n): " choice if [[ "$choice" = "y" ]]; then rm -fr "$working" log "Build directory cleaned up." else log "Build directory retained as per user choice." fi else fail "Error: vmlinux file not found. Please check the build process." fi fi } # Run the kernel building code cwd="$PWD" parent="/tmp/wsl2-build-script" working="$parent/working" error_log="$parent/error.log" # Create the parent parent directory and the build directory within it mkdir -p "$parent" cd "$parent" || exit 1 install_kernel if [[ -f "$cwd/vmlinux" ]]; then log "The file \"vmlinux\" can be found in this script's directory." else warn "Failed to move the file \"vmlinux\" to the script's directory." fi # Prompt and run the .wslconfig generator script cd "$cwd" || exit 1 prompt_wsl_script if [[ -f ".wslconfig" ]]; then log "The \".wslconfig\" file can be found in this script's directory." else warn "The \".wslconfig\" file failed to generate." fi